The Foundation


We recognise that football has a relatively short life span, and we know how easy it is for players and officials to be forgotten so quickly after they lose relevance in the game.
Injuries do not help, as a star player could be struck down and he is forgotten because there is another one coming up immediately.

  • Our Foundation aims to correct this. ‘Once a legend, always a legend’ will be our motto. And anyone – player, coach, referee or administrator – who might have put something in towards the development and recognition of African football will never be forgotten.
  • Our Foundation will provide a support system for retiring football personnel, and will come to the aid of retired football personnel should they fall on times when support is needed.
  • Our Foundation will have a Fund through which we can provide help and support for African stars who might be in such need. 
  • Our Foundation will be on hand to provide medical and infrastructure support to active legends of the game and nations that may require such, through the help of our soon-to-grow team of partners.
  • Our Foundation will be on hand to give to Africa, a platform that will promote the emergence of more talent from Africa that can do us proud globally in future.

It will be run by a Board of Trustees, headed by an ex-player too who could have used the support of a body like this some years ago. This is because he will know how it felt when he was in need, and does not want anyone to be in the shoes he had on, at the time.

If you have any needs, ideas or suggestions on how to grow the activities of our Foundation, or you are a legend in need, please contact us on
More details later.


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